Haworthia retusa Select and click for a larger image. |
Distribution: | Africa: South Africa: Western Cape: |
The name Haworthia retusa in the strict sense is applied to the retuse Haworthias around Riversdale where they grow single or make offsets. Some very attractive specimens exist in the wild and in cultivation. The plants are difficult to distinguish from a multitude of related plants e.g Haworthia geraldii
Haworthia fouchei and others linking to Haworthia turgida. Even some forms of Haworthia acuminata from around Johnson's Post look rather similar to Haworthia retusa / Haworthia turgida and to draw lines of what can be regarded as Haworthia retusa and what not is mostly bases on individual opinion. A form referred to as 'multilineata' with prominent lines appears between normal plants. The cultivation of Haworthia retusa is relatively easy and they are robust growers. I include pictures of plants in habitat as well as plants in cultivation. Also some pictures of attractive hybrids and cultivars made by Gerhard Marx . 30 November 2014: I include here one picture of what passes as Haworthia retusa east of Riversdale, near Pienaarsrivier turnoff, about halfway to Heidelberg. The plants here have a tendency to be shiny and dark (blackish) in colour. The line between Haworthia retusa and Haworthia chromutica is very thin here. |
Some very attractive plants grow just south of Riversdale. | South of Riversdale. | Near shooting range south of Riversdale. The yellow colour is due to exposure to the sun. |
Near shooting range. | Haworthia retusa - GM 304 South of Riversdale ex near shooting range. | Haworthia retusa X splendens | Haworthia retusa (pink) X H. splendens |
Haworthia retusa (pink multilineata) | Haworthia retusa X splendens | Haworthia retusa 'pink' | Haworthia retusa x splendens (Variegated) |
Haworthia retusa ('pink' multilineata) X H. splendens | Haworthia splendens x retusa | Haworthia retusa 'pink' x splendens | Haworthia retusa GM303 2 km south east of Riversdale. |
Haworthia splendens x retusa v. multilineata. | Haworthia retusa 'pink'. | Haworthia retusa GM 303. A beautiful mature specimen. | The multilineata form. |
Complete plantnames alphabetically |