Boophone disticha is a highly poisonous bulb that has a wide distribution and occurs in all provinces of South Africa and found northwards up to Uganda, in desert regions as well as areas with higher rainfall.
The attractive fan shaped leaves as well as the most striking pink flowers make this bulb a 'must have' for any rock garden. The bulbs protrude partly above the ground and the leaves appear after flowering, which happens at different times of the year depending on the natural distribution of the bulbs. Here in the Little Karoo the bulbs flower at the end of summer. The leaves dry up during the resting period.
Boophone disticha can withstand spells of drought quite well.
Propagation is from seed, which germinate unaided. Sow on top of a sandy soil and cover the seeds with small pebbles to protect them and to help the roots to strike. Growing Boophone disticha is a slow process and the plants take many years before they reach the flowering stage.
Boophone disticha is also sometimes referred to as Boophone disticha.